
Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Gluten Free Pumpkin Spice Molasses Cookies & Happy Fall Ya'll

Its fitting that my first gluten free recipe post be something related to pumpkin. I'm totally, tragically & stereotypically obsessed with pumpkin spice, along with all things fall: chai tee, pumpkin pancakes, puffy vests, frolicking in the leaves with Newman and leather boots with leggings. #sorrynotsorry

Colorado actually LEGITIMATELY has a fall. And its pretty darn beautimus. Example A:

Examples B, C, D...etc. etc.

So while you sit outside in your cute fall outfit and watch the leaves fall while drinking your PSL or you're relaxing on the couch after hauling 50 pound pumpkins from the depths of the pumpkin farm to your car, you totally need to have some of these perfect fall cookies too.

I can't take any credit for this recipe. Its from my friend, Neslay Toolowse (wink wink- who is a Friends fan??).

So I was intrigued by these pumpkin spice morsels at Target. I grabbed the bag. "What on earth would I make with these?"" I thought. Then I saw the recipe on the back & it sounded good. Fast forward to a lazy fall Saturday and these were in my oven. I mean, why not?? I honestly did not think I would even like them, and I was totally planning to give them all away, but then I was surprised by how light and fluffy they are on the inside and how the sugar on the outside makes them a little crunchy. AND how the flavors go together SO well! These were a hit with everyone, and I'm pretty sure I was threatened NOT to give these away. I may have even put half the batch in the freezer for my future Thanksgiving guests. ;)

Even if you can't find the pumpkin spice morsels at your store, I think they would still be fabulous without. You could even try subbing something like candied ginger, caramel bits, nuts or something of the like.

P.S. The original recipe called for regular, AP flour, but I just subbed gluten free AP flour mix instead. I typically do this with most recipes that I want to convert to gluten free, and it works most of the time. :) Sometimes I make my own mix (more to come on that), but I like to use Bob's Red mill or Trader Joe's gluten free flour mix too. Both of those do tend to need xantham gum added for binding. In a pinch, I'd say you could skip it and see how they do since these have a lot of other binding ingredients like egg, pumpkin & molasses.

I hope you enjoy!!!

Gluten Free Pumpkin Spice Molasses Cookies
Recipe adapted from Nestle Toll house

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Well... hello!

Well hello there!

It sure has been a while since you've heard from me on this blog. I had to take an unexpected break to take care of some personal things.  OK a lot of personal stuff. :) Life has changed since we last spoke! Where do I start? What do I say first?!
  1.  I'll start with SORRY. I'm really SORRY. No excuses. Just life. I was surprised that a few of you, who I didn't know even read my blog, asked what happened to it?! I'm sure no one actually cares THAT much that I went MIA, but now you're reading again, so there's that. :)
  2. In December of 2011, after years of many, many issues, tests and doctor visits, I discovered that I have a severe gluten intolerance. I get very sick when I eat gluten, even in minute amounts now that my body hasn't had any in so long. #TMI I do not have Celiac disease, but I avoid gluten as if I do. I have been 100% gluten-free for almost 3 years now. I also eat dairy-free most of the time to feel my best, so my new recipes will be very allergy-friendly. :) P.S. I also still make a ton of my old recipes using gluten-free substitutes, so if you're curious, just ask!
  3.  I accepted a new job and in July of 2012, I packed up my 9,571 boxes of kitchen gadgets and relocated to sunny, glorious & beautiful Colorado! I live and work in the Boulder/Denver area. I play in the mountains.I still do advertising stuff- for a company that also helps other companies come up with new food products. In a giant test kitchen. In my office. Umm...#Iwasmadetobehere
  4. I adopted a new fur baby. The light of my life. Tiny kitchen assistant (AKA floor licker). Meet Newman. Newman is officially a "potcake" from the Bahamas, but I'm pretty sure he's a "whippador" or lab/whippet mix. Quirky little guy.
  5.  I bought my first house.YAY! #grownupthings I have a big kitchen, so that's the most important thing. Can you really ever have enough cabinet space though?

Newman. My model puppy

OK. So now that you're basically all caught up on my life, how about we continue this blog thing, shall we? :) I'm not really sure what my blog will look like from here, but I would like to keep it up as an account of my new life & baking/cooking adventures.

Is anyone still reading? I'd love to hear from you! What is going on with YOU?!

Lots of love,