
Monday, January 16, 2012

Oreo Truffles

Most of you may already know the bliss that is Oreo Truffles, but I just had to share it again. It's too easy & everyone is always so impressed with these little guys. You don't have to have food processor, but it really makes the process much quicker, easier & less messy! I like my truffles with white chocolate coating on the outside, but you can do regular chocolate too if you prefer. They are fun to decorate with sprinkles for whichever occasion you are making them for. I made these for G's brother & his family at Christmas time. They were wrapped tightly in a tin and survived the mail!

One trick, I always use the same kind of almond bark- I think its called Candi Quick and it comes in a blue package. I have tried other kinds (even expired versions my mother had of the same kind!) and they did NOT give the same results. Another trick is to refrigerate/freeze the balls before you dip them in the bark. These keeps them pretty.

These don't even taste like cream cheese, they just taste like amazingness!! I hope you make these soon- they are great for crowds & can be made a few days ahead. I always keep mine in the fridge & serve cold.

Oreo Truffles
  • 1 package Oreos- I prefer reduced fat because then they are "not so bad" :)
  • 1 package cream cheese, softened to room temperature - I always use regular because the consistency can change if you use another kind
  • 1 package vanilla almond bark
Prepare a large packing sheet lined with wax paper or parchment.

Crush your Oreos in a food processor until they are mostly very fine crumbs & no big pieces. You can use a rolling pin & a big Ziploc bag or a potato masher & a big bowl, but I've found that I can't get the pieces as fine and it takes forever that way.

If you are using a food processor, add all your crumbs back to the work bowl & add cream cheese. Continue blending until it forms a big ball of Oreo "dough" and the cream cheese is thoroughly mixed in. If doing by hand, pour your crumbs in a large bowl and add cream cheese. Gradually work in with a large spoon until well combined & you can't see any more white from the cream cheese. If you are doing it by hand, your cream cheese needs to be really soft & not cold at all or it will take forever! 

Using a teaspoon (or a melon baller), roll dough into tiny balls and place an inch or two apart on the papered cookie sheet. You should have enough to make about 48 small balls. Place tray in freezer/fridge for a bit while you clean up & prepare the bark. 

Melt bark according to package directions in microwave in the tray it comes in. Grab a fork and a spoon. Get your tray from the freezer. 

Toss a couple balls in the tray and use the spoon to gently push around and cover with the melted bark. Use the fork to carefully remove from tray and let excess bark drip off/tap it off if needed. carefully place back on sheet and add sprinkles if desired. Repeat until all balls are completed. If you use your bark conservatively, you should be able to coat all 48 balls. If the bark starts to get harder to work with, you can zap it in the microwave again for a few seconds. 

Place tray back in fridge to set up then store in an airtight container in fridge. Makes a great gift!


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  1. These were so incredibly tasty! Thank you!

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