
Thursday, July 7, 2011

It's a Fun Day- Funfetti Cupcakes!

You know how you get fixated on one food craving and you just cannot stop thinking about it until you eat that cheeseburger or get that brownie? Well actually that happens to me several times a week.... Boys, you may not know what I'm talking about. Just skip ahead to the recipe. :) Anyway, I saw a picture of these amazing Funfetti cupcakes on How Sweet it Is and I literally could not stop thinking of biting into a big vanilly buttercreamy rainbow sprinkly cupcake for 2 weeks.

I finally just went ahead and made them. Because I wanted to. Because I needed to have just one. Small problem, this recipe makes 12- luckily I was able to find 11 very lovable cupcakes a home. Mission accomplished. :) And these are OH so much better than a box mix. I just cannot do box mixes anymore- they just taste off to me.

The frosting is so fluffy because its whipped extra long- its almost like a marshmallow frosting I think. My cake was slightly dry due to over baking by a few minutes. Be careful not to do this. You can even add a little more milk if you like to make them more moist.

Please don't want for a birthday to make these. Any day is a Funfetti day!

P.S. Can I bribe anyone to vacuum the extra sprinkles with a cupcake? :)

Funfetti Vanilla Cupcakes
Makes 12 cupcakes
  • 1/2 cup unsalted butter, softened to room temperature
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 2 eggs, at room temperature
  • 1 TBSP vanilla
  • 1 1/2 cups flour
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 1/3 cup milk, at room temperature
  • 1/3 cup assorted brightly colored sprinkles + extra for topping

Preheat oven to 350. Prep your muffin pan with your muffin cups.

Cream butter and sugar in the bowl of an electric mixer fitted with paddle attachment until fluffy (about 3 minutes). Add eggs one at a time, beating well after each addition. Add vanilla until combined. Combine dry ingredients in a small bowl. Add half of dry ingredients, mixing until just combined. Slowly add milk. Add remaining dry ingredients until well combined. Fold in sprinkles with a spoon.

Use a cookie scoop to divide batter evenly among muffin cups, filling 2/3 full (I use 2 medium scoops each).

Bake 18-20 minutes until tops spring back when touched.

Let cool completely before frosting (yes, you can put them in the fridge if you have patience issues like me).

Vanilla Buttercream
  • 2 sticks unsalted butter, softened to room temperature
  • 2 1/2 cups powdered sugar
  • 1 TBSP vanilla extract
  • 1 TBSP milk
Cream butter in bowl of mixer fitted with paddle attachment until very smooth- at least 3 minutes. Turn speed to low and slowly add powdered sugar. Increase speed slightly and add vanilla. Beat 3 more minutes, scraping the sides of the bowl as you go. Add milk. If its too thick, add more milk by the TBSP. Mix until well combined.

Place icing in a piping/Ziploc bag with desired tip and pipe onto cool cupcakes.

Top with remaining sprinkles.

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  1. Funfetti cupcakes are the BEST!! I dont make them very often because I end up eating all the batter..I KNOW not good..but it is! Great presentation pictures

  2. Those cupcakes sound awesome. I've been having a craving for a few weeks too and finally made the dessert today :)

  3. Aren't those the cutest?! I really need to start baking more. What is wrong with me?! lol. Great cupcake :)

    I wanted to let you know about my cookbook giveaway that is going on right now until July 16th. Stop on by to enter! Hope you are having a great week :)

    (sorry if you've already entered, I'm going through all of my blogs and letting them know about the giveaway so if you've already entered, don't mind me!)

  4. So pretty and festive! That frosing looks sinful!

  5. These look delicious! My kids and I would love them. Thanks for sharing on A Well-Seasoned Life's Sweet Indulgences Sunday.
