
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Congrats Jeff and a 'Nawlins Good Time

I can't believe my baby brother is officially a college graduate. Congrats Jeff- I'm so proud of you! :) Here are a few photos of the graduation and such. Obligatory picture of his back while crossing the stage included.

Everyone looking perky at 8:30 am

See the guy in the blue shirt in the middle? Go straight above his head and over to the left one. The guy with the yellow shawl thing is Jeff.

Mom and her "seester" Aunt Brenda in front of Tiger Stadium

Mike the Tiger statue

Family photo

Aunt Brenda, Jeff and cousin Breanne


He went for a swim

On his way to the stage!

Its official!

Post-graduation "linner" - AKA We didn't eat until 4pm and I've never been so hungry in my life!

Mommy and me

The Idahoians

Back in New Orleans- Jeff and his gf Molly at Emeril's

Silly sisters

Breanne and moi

cute cousins

Congrats baby bro!

Emeril makes the BEST banana cream pie. I refuse to share.
After all the graduation festivities, J returned to Baton Rouge to pack up his apartment and the 4 girls ventured out for a tour of the French Quarter. I've been many times, but I've never been on an official tour. It was VERY interesting. It was also VERY hot and humid. Did I mention that my mom thought she signed us up for a horse and buggy tour, but that it ended up being a walking tour? Lets just say I have an attractive camera strap tan going on. I can't complain- it beats the "no tan" thing I used to have going on!

NOT our carriage

Jackson Square

A very high Mississippi River

My beautiful momma

Brangelina's House!


This is how the policemen get around the Quarter

Inside St. Louis Cathedral

Guess where?

I am still drooling!

Too fun to eat!

always a jokester!
 PS I acquired a new gadget in NOLA- I know you just can't wait to find out. I'll post that soon.Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Monday, May 23, 2011

Banana Streusel Crumb Cake - Make this now!

I know I said in my last post that these Strawberry Cupcakes were the best thing ever, but so is this banana streusel crumb cake (also known as banana snack cake).  I'm not exaggerating! You have to make it for yousrelf.

If you've been following my blog, you might know that I have this thing where I have to make banana bread whenever I have very ripe, brown bananas hanging around. I usually make it into bread or muffins using this recipe of my mom's. Its very delicious. You can see why I would be hesitant to try a new recipe, but I was really intrigued by this streusel-y recipe I saw over at Technicolor Kitchen. Everyone had good things to say about it. What can I say, I'm easily swayed by reviews!

I could go on and on and tell you about how I made this on Friday and again on Saturday because everyone loved it so much I ran out.Or I could mention how I brought it with me on a friend's boat Friday night and strange men I just met were fighting over the crumbs. I could blabber forever about the moist, fluffy cake and the sweet crunchy streusel. Or I could just tell you to go find you some brown bananas and get baking. I'm serious. Do it. Now!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

No Excuses and NOLA Bound!

Thought I'd share a few random photos of what I've been up to for the past couple months.

One of my best friends, Jenna, came to visit me for a weekend!

My kickball team!

My friend Brittney and I at Mandy's birthday dinner
I feel that I must offer some excuse for my slacking in posting lately. There really isn't one! ha I have a few recipes/posts to share that I haven't written up yet, but mostly I've been too busy working to cook/bake much lately. I love blogging- it is my creative outlet. Sometimes I feel like I need more hours in the day! Even so, I cannot complain at all about my life. I'm so blessed in many ways. This verse has really stuck out to me lately though, especially when I'm feeling overwhelmed by life. I need to stop to take a minute and read this and it makes me remember that everything will be OK.

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you,” declares the LORD, “and will bring you back from captivity. I will gather you from all the nations and places where I have banished you,” declares the LORD, “and will bring you back to the place from which I carried you into exile.”

Jeremiah 29:11-14

Sometimes I think, maybe this means God wants me to be a baker and bake cakes, cookies, brownies, bars and bread all day! But then I realize I would have to get up to bake at like 4am every day- no thank you! I'll just bake for myself whenever I have a craving. :)

Anyways, its about time for a break! I'm heading to NOLA this afternoon for a few days for lil bro's college graduation. My Auntie Brenda is coming in from Idaho as well with her daughter, Breanne. You may remember Auntie Brenda has my best baker auntie from her special Christmas present.

She claims I should really be her daughter (my mom is her sister) since I love baking and sweet treats as much as she does. My mom doesn't really seem to mind as long as we do some baking when we visit her. She humbly suggested a cinnamon roll bake-off. haha She does love her cinnies. Any ideas? Hoping to have more recipes and photos to post when I get back!

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