
Thursday, October 7, 2010

Finger Update, London and Fall Treats

So, another reason for my slow pace of posting last week was due to my finger injury- a la Caramel Ice Cream Take 2. I know what you're thinking- my burn blister did not look so bad back in that post. However, it has taken a grisly turn haha. OK its not THAT bad, but a second degree burn it is. I will spare you the close-up photos this time, but several doctor/wound care/Walgreen's pharmacy visits later, I am on my way to recovery! Yay! Needless to say, I will not be making any more caramel anything for a long time. So sad, because I had been eying some delicious caramel icing recipes, like this one. And this one.

Since my finger has been bandaged straight out and is not able to bend much due to swelling, my typing has also suffered. :( It's OK- that's what spell check is for- right?

Anywho, I figured I'd give my finger a little vacay... OK my whole body. haha :) Just kidding. We have had this trip planned for about a month.

The boyfriend and I are jetting off to sunny London for a week-long, overdue visit with his friends and family. Sorry folks, I know what you're thinking- he does not really have an accent anymore. Sad. I know. :(

Ever resourceful, I bought these awesome rubber rain/riding boots (on the right) so that I blend right in. ;) What do you think? They were a steal for $30 at Marshalls - my fav store. The peanut gallery has commented that this is not what the locals wear on a regular basis, but I've still packed them along with my raincoat!

While I'm gone, enjoy a few delicious fall treats I've had my eye on...
If you make any yummy fall treats, please tell me about it! I have a Halloween Potluck coming up at work and need the perfect dessert to bring.

When I get back I promise I'll post my DELICIOUS pumpkin bread recipe too. :)



  1. Oh, man....your poor finger! I am really, truly sorry ~ have a wonder break in London. I'm jealous. Very jealous.

  2. Ha! I'm over from Pennies on a Platter where I saw your blog name! I love it! I HATE raisins! Is it safe to say I won't find any here? :)

    Sorry about your finger.

  3. Be careful, may set the expectation from Gordon's parents for a little baking in order to earn your keep. ;)

    Glad to hear the finger in on the mend! xoxo

    ~Aunt Cathie

  4. My darling da... It will interesting to hear your opinion on the English food, especially the desserts. Definately not something they're known for! Tell Gordon to work on getting some of that accent back before Thanksgiving! Hope you're following Doctor's orders about your finger??! Have a wonderful time, love, Mom

  5. Oh, goodness! I didn't know your burn was that bad. Miss you lots! I just picked up a magazine with AMAZING Christmas cookie recipes. Can't wait to try them out. -S

  6. Just got back from England last night and had a great time! Thanks everyone! :)

    Freida- no worries- it was all my fault! My finger is almost healed now though.

    Ingrid- definitely no raisins here! It was very difficult in the UK since a lot of their desserts have raisins!

    Auntie C- I didn't do any baking across the pond, but I have some recipes from G's mom to post soon.

    Mom- thanks!! Love you!

    S- can't wait for Christmas cookies!
